Zitadel PHP Client 1.3.6 Help

Change the password

Here you will learn, how to change the password.

First steps

First, we have to initialize the class and set the user id.

use ZitadelPhpClient\User\Password; $password = new Password($settings); $password->setUserId("12345678");

There are two ways to change the password, which are explained below.

Method 1: Change the password with the current password

$password->setCurrentPassword("S3cr3t"); $password->setNewPassword("!2Gjds9"); try{ $password->change(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); }

Method 2: Change the password with a verification code

Get a verification code


You can get the verification code with


Perform the password change

$password->setVerificationCode("123456"); $password->setNewPassword("!2Gjds9"); try { $password->change(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); }
Last modified: 27 March 2024