Zitadel PHP Client 1.3.6 Help

Change account states

Here you will learn, how to change the account states.

First steps

First, we have to initialize the class and set the user id.

use ZitadelPhpClient\User\Account; $account = new Account($settings); $account->setUserId("12345678");

Deactivate a user

If you deactivate a user, he won't be able to log in. Use deactivate user when the user should not be able to use the account anymore, but you still need access to the user data.


Reactivate a user

If you reactivate a user, he will be able to log in again.


Lock a user

If you lock a user, he won't be able to log in.


Unlock a user

The user will be able to log in again.

Last modified: 27 March 2024