Zitadel PHP Client 1.3.6 Help

Change the Email address

Here you will learn, how to change the email address of the user and verifies it.

First steps

First, we have to initialize the class and set the user id.

use ZitadelPhpClient\User\Email; $email = new Email($settings); $email->setUserId("12345678");

Change the email address

Run this function:


IMPORTANT: The email address is not verified. The API returns a verification code, which you can get with this function:


Get a new verification code

Run this function:


After that, you can get the verification code with


Verify the email address

To verify the email address run:

if ($email->isVerified("123456")) { echo "Email verified"; } else { echo "Verification failed"; }

The function returns true or false.

Last modified: 27 March 2024